EEVblog #668

供應中評分4.1(615)FLIRTG165-XThermalImagingCamerawithBullseyeLaser:CommercialGradeInfraredCameraforBuildingInspection,HVACandElectrical;TG165-X·338,24€avec ...,供應中FLIRDM285$789.00.LearnmoreAddtocart·AnExtechMO290featuringadigitaldisplayforinfr...。參考影片的文章的如下:



供應中 評分 4.1 (615) FLIR TG165-X Thermal Imaging Camera with Bullseye Laser: Commercial Grade Infrared Camera for Building Inspection, HVAC and Electrical ; TG165-X · 338,24 € avec ...


供應中 FLIR DM285 $789.00. Learn moreAdd to cart · An Extech MO290 featuring a digital display for infrared training. · An infrared FLIR MR40 device displayed on a white ...

FLIR TG165-X Thermal Imaging IR Thermometer - test

Give us the details and we'll endeavour to match the price. To price match, contact us online or call 0113 248 9966. FREE Delivery Available. We offer FREE ...

FLIR TG165-X Spot Thermal Camera

FLIR TG165-X Spot Thermal Camera. $695.00 Original price was: $695.00. $619.00 Current price is: $619.00. ex. GST. The FLIR TG165-X Spot Thermal Cameras ...

FLIR TG165-X USB 2.0 Thermal Imaging Camera

供應中 RS庫存編號: 202-0645; 製造零件編號: FLIR TG165-X; 製造商: FLIR. FLIR TG165-X USB 2.0 Thermal Imaging Camera, –25 → +300 °. 查看此類別. Price 个**. HK$5,085.20.


供應中 評分 4.5 (4) Items in This Series ; FLIR TG165-X TG165-X MSX Thermal Camera · (4) · $349.00 · 80 x 60 Sensor ; FLIR TG267 TG267 Thermal Camera 160 x 120 Resolution/9Hz · (2) ...

Flir TG165 Spot Thermal Camera for sale online

供應中 評分 4.7 (51) Flir TG165-X Handheld Thermal Camera · $349.00 New · $330.00 Used ...

FLIR TG165 Spot Thermal Camera, Infrared Visual Thermometer ...

評分 4.3 (849) Style: TG165 ; Pattern Name: Camera ; Camera. $314.99$314.99. Only 1 left in stock - order soon. ; FREE delivery Thursday, March 6. Details ; Price, $314.99$314.99 ...

Flir TG165-X thermal imaging camera

The Flir TG165-X thermal imaging camera offers good and reliable results for an affordable price. Equipped with the FLIR Lepton thermal camera chip.

FLIR TG165-X MSX Thermal Camera

4,800 pixels (80 x 60), -13 to 572°F, sensitivity less than 70mK, bullseye laser pointer, MSX® enhancement. ... $455.99 Found a better price? Let us match.


供應中評分4.1(615)FLIRTG165-XThermalImagingCamerawithBullseyeLaser:CommercialGradeInfraredCameraforBuildingInspection,HVACandElectrical;TG165-X·338,24€avec ...,供應中FLIRDM285$789.00.LearnmoreAddtocart·AnExtechMO290featuringadigitaldisplayforinfraredtraining.·AninfraredFLIRMR40devicedisplayedonawhite ...,Giveusthedetailsandwe'llendeavourtomatchtheprice.Topricematch,contactusonlineorcall0113248...